Jute Spinning Process:

Process Flowchart of Jute Spinning:
Batching /selection of raw jute
  Piecing up

  Drawing -2
  Drawing -3
Batching Section:
Different types of batch for different count

Batch for Hessian warp (8.25 Ibs per spindles) the batch is given bellow…

Jute grade
Tossa - C
White - X
Mesta - c
Batch for Hessian Weft (8.5 Ibs per spindles)
Jute grade
Tossa - C
White  - X
 White  -c

Batch selection for Sacking warp ( count 10.25 lbs/ spyndle)-
Jute grade
Hard jute
Soft jute

Emulsion Section:
Basic ingredients of an emulsion:-

  • Water 
  • Mineral oil and 
  • Emulsifier
The reasons why emulsion is used are given below:-
  1. To make the jute fiber soft.
  2. To increase flexibility.
  3. To reduce fiber stiffness and brittleness.
  4. To increase cohesiveness of fiber.
Recipe for Emulsion:-
  • Oil .....................................................27.67%
  • Water ................................................72.28%
  • Emulsifier ..........................................0.05%
Emultion making
Emulsifier and equal quantity of mineral oil are placed in the mixing tang. Adding remaining oil then add water and mixed for a period of time.Then transferring to the reserve tank to supply next machine

Softening Section: 
After preparing emulsion it is applied on the fiber by softener or spreader machine. The discussion is here about softener machine. The figure and function of softener machine are given below-

  1. The long jute fibers are fed on the machine by feed rollers.
  2. Gripping and beating the fibers by spirally fluted rollers.
  3. Emulsion is sprayed after passing one third portion of the fluted roller zone.
  4. The fibers are delivered through delivery roller and delivery sheet.
Fig: Passage diagram of Softening machine
Deeping System: Why it is used?
Ans:- It is a system developed by the authority of BJM by means of which the cuttings portion of the long jute fiber are slightly sink into the emulsion before feeding the fibers in softener machine so that a large amount of emulsion can be applied to the cuttings portion of the fiber and make it more flexible.
Deeping System
Pilling Section: Definition of Pilling:- It is the process by which emulsion applied long jute fibers are kept under a thick fabric for a certain time as a result fiber become soft and flexible. Depending on fiber quality the pilling time is varied.
Assumption of pilling assembly:- 19 ft*5.5 ft*6 ft
Carding Section: Carding is the process by which long strikes of jute fibers, while passing through high speed pinned rollers, are broken down into an entangled mass and delivered in roll form of uniform weight per unit length.
Breaker Card:
Breaker card
Machine Information:
  • Delivery rate=600 kg /hr Dollop weight =34 lbs ,
  • Clock length=13 yards , Clock rotation=360 degree ,
  • Draft=6 , Sliver weight /100 yards=18 lbs
  • Surface speed of different rollers
  • Surface speed of cylinder =3935 ft/minute
  • Surface speed of pin feed roller =22.5 ft/min
  • Surface speed of worker =70.61 ft/min
  • Surface speed of stripper =81.7 ft/min
  • Surface of doffer =192 ft/minute
  • Surface of Delivery roller =268.13 ft/minute
Finisher Card:
Finisher card
Machine Information:
  • Doubling=11:1 Draft=10.6
  • Delivery=400-450 kg/h Finisher roll weight /100 yards=16 lbs
  • Surface speed of different rollers
  • SS of stripper=398.48 ft/min SS of worker=54.39 ft/min ,
  • SS of doffer=103.389 ft/min SS of cylinder=2388.6 ft/min ,
  • SS of feed stripper=34.33 ft/min, SS of top drawing roller=117.20 ft/min
  • SS of bottom drawing roller=123.21 ft/min, SS of front delivery roller=128.85 ft/min
Drawing Section: Affter above these process drawing & doubling is done.
JUTE Ring Spinning Frame:
Finally we get jute yarn from spinning frame. 

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